Di seguito potete trovare la bibliografia dei libri e degli articoli scritti da J.l.Moreno e da Z.T. Moreno pubblicati in inglese, nonchè in italiano. La bibliografia è stata compilata seguendo le indicazioni APA.
Libri di J.L.Moreno in inglese:
Moreno, J.L. & Hall Jennings, H. (1934). Who Shall Survive? A new Approach to the Problem of Human Interrelations. Washington DC: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company
Moreno, J.L. (1941). The Words of the Father. New York: Alliance Book Corporation
Moreno, J.L. (1946). Psychodrama Volume 1. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1947). The Theatre of Spontaneity. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1951). Sociometry, Experimental Method and the Science of Society: An Approach to a New Political Orientation, Beacon: Beacon House.
Moreno, J.L. (1953) Who Shall Survive? Foundations of Sociometry, Group Psychotherapy and Sociodrama. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1955). Preludes to my Autobiography: Introduction to Who Shall Survive? Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1956). Sociometry and the Science of Man. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1957). First Book on Group Therapy. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1959). Psychodrama: Foundations of Psychotherapy. Second volume. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1960). The Sociometry Reader. New York: Free Press of Glencoe
Moreno, J.L., Moreno Z.T. & Moreno, J. (1964). The First Psychodramatic Family. New York: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1966). The International Handbook of Group Psychotherapy. New York: Philosophical Library
Moreno, Z.T. & Moreno, J.L. (1969). Psychodrama, Volume 3: Action Therapy and Principles of Practice. Beacon: Beacon House
Moreno, J.L. (1987). The Essential Moreno: Writings on Psychodrama, Group Method and Spontaneity. New York: Springer Publishing Company
Moreno, J.L. (1989). The Autobiography of J.L. Moreno MD, in Moreno, J.D. (Ed.), Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry, 42(2), 59-126
Moreno, J.L. (2013). The Future of Man’s World. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/shop/jacob-l-moreno/the-future-of-mans-world/ebook/product-20665928.html
Moreno, J.L. (2010). Impromptu. Manchester: North-West Psychodrama Association
Libri di J.L.Moreno in italiano:
Moreno, J.L. (1973). Psicodramma e vita. Milano: Rizzoli
Moreno, Zerka T.; Moreno, Jacob L. & Boria, Giovanni. (1979). Introduzione allo Psicodramma Moreniano. (Introduction to Morenean Psychodrama). Brescia: Centro de Psicoterapia.
Moreno, J.L. (1980). Principi di sociometria, psicoterapia di gruppo e sociodramma. Milano: Etas Libri
Moreno, J.L. (1987). Manuale di Psicodramma. Vol. 1: il teatro come terapia. Roma: Astrolabio Ubaldini
Moreno, J.L. & Moreno, Z.T. (1987). Manuale di Psicodramma 2: Tecniche di regia psicodrammatica. Roma: Astrolabio Ubaldini
Moreno, J.L. & Moreno, Z.T. (1996). Gli spazi dello Psicodramma. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2002). Il profeta dello psicodramma. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2005). Un matrimonio da fare. Lo Psicodramma della Coppia. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2005). Psicomusica. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2007). Who shall survive? Principi di sociometria, psicoterapia e sociodramma. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2011). Il teatro della spontaneità. Roma: Di Renzo Editore
Moreno, J.L. (2014). Le parole del padre. Firenze: Phasar
Libri di Z.T.Moreno in inglese:
Moreno, Zerka T. (1971). Love Songs to Life, by Zerka. Beacon, NY: Beacon House.
Moreno, Zerka, T.; Kipper, David, A. & Roth, David, M. (1990). Psychodrama. In: J. K. Zeig & W. M. Munion., (Ed). What is Psychotherapy?: contemporary perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Moreno, Z.T., Blomkvist, L.D. & Rützel, T. (2000). Psychodrama, Surplus Reality and the Art of Healing. London & New York: Routledge
Baim, C., Burmeister, J., Maciel, M., Moreno, Z.T. & Leutz, G. (2013) Psychodrama: Advances in Theory and Practice – Advancing Theory in Therapy. London & New York: Routledge
Moreno, Z.T. (2012). To Dream Again: A Memoir. Mental Health Resources
Winters, N.L., Hanson, T. & Moreno, Z.T. (2014). Tools for Happiness: Doc Get Happy’s Guide to a Joyful Life. Winnipeg: Turnstone Publishing Group
Moreno, Z.T. & Schreiber, E. (2015).The Quintessential Zerka: Writings by Zerka Toeman Moreno on Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. London & New York: Routledge
I libri di Z.T.Moreno in italiano:
Moreno, Zerka T. (1975). Psicodramma dei bambini, (Psychodrama of children). Florence: OS.
Moreno, Z.T.(2016). Per sognare ancora. Memorie di Zerka T. Moreno. Zerka T. Moreno
Articoli di J.L. e Z.T.Moreno:
Moreno, Zerka. T. (1951). Psychodrama in a well-baby clinic. Group Psychotherapy, vol.4, p.100-106. (1970). Psychodrame de nourrissons dans une consultation infantile. Bulletin de Psychologie, vol.23, p.826-828. French.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1954). Psychodrama in the crib. Group Psychotherapy, vol.7, p.291-302.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1957). Psychodrama of young mothers. Zeitschrift fuer Diagnostische Psychologie & Persnlichkeitsforschung, vol.5, p.270-282. German. (1974)./ Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama, vol.27, p.191-203. English.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1958a). Notes on spontaneous learning in situ versus learning the academic way. Group Psychotherapy, vol.11, p.50-51.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1958b). The reluctant therapist and the reluctant audience technique in psychodrama. Group Psychotherapy, vol.11, p.278-282.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1959a). A survey of psychodramatic techniques. Group Psychotherapy, vol.12, p.5-14.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1959b). Psychodramatic techniques. Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psychosomatica & Orthopedagogica, vol.7, p.197-206.
Moreno, Jacob L. & Moreno, Zerka T. (1960). An objective analysis of the group psychotherapy movement. Group Psychotherapy, vol.13, p.233-237. (1961). Psychodrama & Group Psychotherapy Monograph, No. 38. New York: Beacon House.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1960). The twenty-fifth anniversary of the American theatre of psychodrama. Group Psychotherapy, vol.13, p.233-237.
Moreno, Zerka. T. & Moreno, Jacob. L. (1964). New Moreno legends from the first psychodramatic family. Group Psychotherapy, vol.17, p.1-35.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1965). Psychodramatic rules, techniques and adjunctive methods. Group Psychotherapy, vol.18, p.73-86.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1967). The seminal mind of J. L. Moreno and his influence upon the present generation. Group Psychotherapy, vol.20, p.218-229.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1968). Psychodrama on closed and open circuit TV. Group Psychotherapy, vol.21, p.106-109.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1972). Note on psychodrama, sociometry, individual psychotherapy and the quest for unconditional love. Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama, vol.25, p.155-157.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1973). Origins of the group psychotherapy movement. Handbook of International Sociometry, Chapter 7, p.5-13.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1974). Practical aspects of psychodrama. In: T. Treadwell, (Ed). Confrontation and Training via the Group Process: the action techniques.(1969), Group Psychotherapy, vol.22, p.213.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1975). The significance of doubling and role reversal for cosmic man. Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama, vol.28, p.55-59.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1978a). The function of the auxiliary ego in psychodrama with special reference to psychotic patients. Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, vol.31, p.163-166.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1978b). Psychodrama. In: H. Mullan & M. Rosenbaum, (Eds). Group Psychotherapy. 2nd ed. New York: Free Press.
Barbour, Alton & Moreno, Zerka T. (1980). Role fatigue. Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama, vol.33, p.185-191.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1983a). Psychodrama. In H. I. Kaplan & B. J. Sadock, (Eds). Comprehensive Group Psychotherapy. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1983b). Quale Moreno? (What Moreno?). Atti dello Psicodramma, vol.8, p.101-103.
Moreno, Zerka T. & Moreno, Jonathan D. (1984). The psychodramatic model of madness. Journal of the British Psychodrama Association, vol.1, p.24-34.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1985). Mein Weg zum Psychodrama. (My path to psychodrama). Integrative Therapie, vol.11, p.320-323.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1987). Psychodrama, role theory and the concept of the social atom. In: J. K. Zeig, (Ed). The Evolution of Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner Mazel. (1989). Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, vol.42, p.178-186.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1991a). Time, space, reality and the family: Psychodrama with a blended (reconstituted) family. In: P. Holmes & M. Karp, (Eds). Psychodrama: inspiration & technique. London: Tavistock/Routledge.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1991b). Zur Suizidprvention: die Nutzung von Soziometrie und Rollenumkehrung. (Suicide prevention: the need for sociometry and role reversal). In: M. Vorwerg & T. Alberg, (Eds). Psychodrama. Leipzig: Barth.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1993). Commencement address given at Lesley College Graduate School, Cambridge Massachusetts, August 31, 1983. Journal of the British Psychodrama Association, vol.8, p.19-24.
Moreno, Zerka T. (1994). Gay rights and role playing. Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, vol.46, p.162.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2002a). Zerka Moreno: Many faces of drama. www.blatner.com/adam/.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2002b). Zerka Moreno's workshop notes. www.blatner.com/adam/.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2002c). Zerka Moreno: Many faces of drama. www.blatner.com/adam/.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2002d). Zerka Moreno's workshop notes. www.blatner.com/adam/.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2006a). Interview with Zerka Moreno, TEP. Interviewd by Irving Yalom. http://www.psychotherapy.net/interview/Zerka-Moreno An Interview with Zerka Moreno, TEP.
Moreno, Zerka. (2008). Letter to J. L. Moreno on his 119th birthday, May 18 2008. The British Journal of Psychodrama & Sociodrama, vol.23, p.3.
Moreno, Zerka. (2010). What Price a Smile? ANZPA Journal, vol.19, p.73-74.
Moreno, Zerka. (April 2011). Tributes to David A. Kipper (March 24, 1939-December 2, 2010). The Group Psychologist, vol.21(1), p.9.
Moreno, Zerka. T. (2013). A Life in Psychodrama. In: K. Hudgins & F. Toscani (Eds), Healing World Trauma with the Therapeutic Spiral Model: psychodramatic stories from the frontline (p.33-48). London & Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley.
Moreno, Zerka. T. (2013). Drawing the Personal Perceptual Socio-Cultural Atom. An Exercise in Sharpening and Stretching Tele Function. International Group Psychotherapies and Psychodrama E-Journal, p.17-20. Retrieved from http://www.istpsikodrama.com.tr/dergi/en/8/
Moreno, Zerka T. (2014). J.L. Moreno, M.D. Zeitschrift fur Psychodrama und Soziometrie, vol.13(1), p.5-9.
Moreno, Zerka T. (2014). Drawing the Personal Perceptual Socio-Cultural Atom: An Exercise in Sharpening and Stretching Tele Function. The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy, vol.62(1), p.29-34.