Happy Birthday !
During the General Assembly in Wien, on 19th May 2017, Barbara Farkas-Erlacher has been named Honorary Member.
She comes from an aristocratic Latvian family in Riga.
The family moved in 1942 to Austria, where she got a Doctorate in Psychology at the Graz University.
She was a student counselor, and later an "Hofrat".
As a student of the founder of the German Moreno Institute, Grete Leutz, she brought to Austria the group psychotherapy method "Psychodrama, Sociometry and Role Play" founded by J. L. Moreno.
She organized and co-leaded the first psychodrama training group in Austria in the 70' s; and co-founded the Psychodrama section, more than 50 years ago.
The first training program ever, was co-written by her.
She played with full passion many roles: Psychodrama trainer, supervisor, Psychoanalyst and behavior therapist.
She received the Psychology Prize 2006 for The "Day of Psychology"and the "Goldenes Verdienstzeichen der Republik Österreich vom Bundesminister für Gesundheit".
With Grete Leutz she has had from the beginning big belief in the Moreno Museum project.
We are honored to have her as a cofounder of our Association, and we are happy to take part of her 81st Birthday with this tribute.
Barbara Farkas-Erlacher with our Vice-President Michael Wieser.
20th May 2017