On 19 and 20 OCTOBER, our Moreno Museum Association and the amateur group MoMu Teatro will take part in the event ‘INCONTRIAMO MORENO A LUCCA’.
On the afternoon of SATURDAY 19, open dialogues and workshops will be offered to the citizenship; on SUNDAY 20, a special reinterpretation, in the guise of a travelling show, of the play ‘Un cappello per Moreno’ will be staged at the former psychiatric hospital of Maggiano, which opens its doors to us thanks to the Fondazione Mario Tobino. We would also like to thank ALAP - Associazione Lucchese Arte e Psicologia, the Centro Studi Lippi Francesconi and the Centro Lucchese Psicodramma Moreniano.
This valuable synergy is supported by the Comune di Lucca and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.
It will be a splendid opportunity to spread the knowledge of JL Moreno and his legacy.
NB. Places are limited. For info and reservations: ALAP - cell. 349 4439033 - alap.lucca2 [at] gmail.com ()
Attached, programme and detailed event poster.