PSYCHODRAMA around the world
We invite you to register for this truly special conference.
Our association will also be present.
Psychodrama around the world
International Congress
in honor of Jakob Levy Moreno (1889–1974)
April 25 – 28, 2024, Vienna
Jacob Levy Moreno and his legacy: 50 years after his death. On the occasion of this special year, we want to honor the extraordinary life and work of JL Moreno and explore the impact of his ideas and innovations on modern psychotherapy. We will experience a variety of lectures, workshops and discussions illustrating the various aspects of Moreno's work. Well-known experts and personal companions from all over the world will share their research and experiences and also present the current state of practice and research.
The celebratory setting of the congress offers a unique opportunity to celebrate this legacy, gain new insights and promote interdisciplinary dialogue. Together we can carry forward JL Moreno's vision and take his groundbreaking ideas into the future.
We wish you an inspiring and enriching congress experience!