We like to honourate our travel companion Luìs de Nicolas. Here are two posts in his memory. With respect and love.
in memory of Luis de Nicolás y Martínez by Luisa Gianni
On 10 October 2017, Luis de Nicolás y Martínez, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Deusto, Spain, disappeared. Perhaps I am the least suitable person to talk about him, because I did not know him very much, but for the little I remember him willingly. I caught in him a great humanity sometimes masked by a sharp irony and also a certain shyness that often made him lower his head and turn his gaze, apparently absent. Instead, his presence manifested itself in the marked capacity for synthesis that led him to quickly grasp the salient aspects of a situation by returning it to organized and easy-to-understand thoughts. A rare quality nowadays.
As a professor, he had helped create a specialized training network in the field of Clinical Psychology at the University of Deusto and founded the School of Psychodrama and Sociodrama Zerka T. Moreno of Vitoria-Gasteiz. A training center where since 1983 Monica Zuretti has brought her experience for the faithful adherence to the theoretical and methodological principles of the founder of psychodrama. It is thanks to his constant dedication, to the commitment of his collaborators and ours, as well as to the very important one of Monica, it was possible to extend the collaboration to the Center of Psychodrama and Sociodrama Zerka T. Moreno of Lucca, in which, starting from 2015, a training course entitled "Sulle Orme di Moreno", which continues and has already paid off.
Thanks, Luis, for this heritage, it has been, is and will be important for our future. Thank you for your enthusiasm in joining the Moreno Museum Association and for having come with us to Vienna to celebrate together J.L.Moreno's teachings
I believe you put love in what you did. When you were our guest in Lucca you gave me a rose that I still keep together with the memory of you. A man with the “physique du Professeur”, who takes care of relationships, bringing academic knowledge to the human level.
A Luis de Nicolás, in ricordo … by Salvatore Pace
Il 10 Ottobre dello scorso autunno, Luis de Nicolás y Martínez, decano di Psicologia all’Università di Deusto, psicologo clinico, psicodrammatista di gran pregio e amico inarrivabile, ci ha lasciato.
Lo incontrai, la prima volta, durante il Congresso IAGP di Roma, mentre trafficava in facezie e chiacchierate corrosive e degustava un rosso anonimo che lui, intimo dei palati forti di Rioja, rapportava all’acqua sciapa. Lo ritrovai in Sicilia, a Carini, nell’omonimia sciagurata del Castello, in un simposio che lo vedeva ospite d’eccezione insieme alla cara amica di sempre, Mònica Zuretti, immerso nella seduzione dei lavori convegnali, mentre con la mitezza della sua voce intrecciava e tesseva parole nel passo aperto tra i temi dell’incontro e le preziosità artistiche del maniero.
Seguì, a distanza di anni, un terzo, ignaro ultimo incontro a Bad Vöslau, durato giusto il tempo di un transito serale, di una lenta e tarda camminata tra le Thermalbad e la Kammgarnfabrik, dove lo spirito pronto cedeva all’implacabile eteronomia di stanchezze, afflizioni ed altri mali.
Ora, affidato ormai da mesi alla parola che tutto tace e oblia, mi piace immaginarlo come in quella foto, seduto placidamente al sole quasi basco e appena bretone di quel cuneo perfetto di Gascogne, col calice innalzato alla brezza della sua beira atlantica, centellinando all’infinito silenzi, sguardi e vino.
“A las aladas almas de las rosas
del almendro de nata te requiero,
que tenemos que hablar de muchas cosas,
compañero del alma, compañero.”
Alle anime alate delle rose
del mandorlo di panna ti reclamo,
perché dobbiamo parlare di tante cose,
amico dell’anima, amico mio.
Miguel Hernàndez, Elegìa